We are your personal Travel Concierges!
We are your personal Travel Concierges!
Traveling abroad is an exciting and wonderful experience. But the entire trip can become a chore if you are unsure on how your US dollars relate to another countries currency. It can be confusing when you think of all the different names for a foreign lands money.
We all have been on a road trip with friends and family members. On some trips we are in control and we make the rules but on other trips it is a joint effort. On these highway journeys there could be some problems!
The last thing anyone would want is more stress while traveling. If you live in a major city dealing with traffic, parking and ticket agents is enough. Most people have a pre-existing negative thought about dealing with TSA in our airports.
Going to the beach is one of my favorite things to do in this world. There is no doubt; I am a “water sign”. I love the water rolling up on the shore and then running back out to the ocean. I love the sand on my feet and between my toes.
As I casually talked to people about my travels, I have come to learn that a large majority of the people I knew did not have a passport book. At first I thought, maybe it is just the people that I am talking too, I found out that was not the case.
What ever your vacation plans are weather it is going to a tropical beach, flying to Europe or visiting friends and family stateside. Going into debt for a vacation is a very bad idea.
The best way to pay for that trip is to use a savings program to build a vacation fund.
Exchange Rates; Something you should know!
Traveling abroad is an exciting and wonderful experience. But the entire trip can become a chore if you are unsure on how your US dollars relate to another countries currency. It can be confusing when you think of all the different names for a foreign lands money.
Just try understanding that the Peso is the money of at least six different countries including Mexico, Dominican Republic and Colombia. But when you throw in the Costa Rican Colon or the Aruban Guilder things become so much more complicated. I was the guy in the Navy that knew the exchange rates of every country our ship visited.
There is a simple way of looking at this. It is not the numbers that are publicized for a product but more of the value of the service. People will see a large loaf of French bread at 800 colones in Costa Rica and consider that to be expensive but in reality the cost for that loaf of bread is only about $1.25 in US dollars. So don’t get hung up on the aspect of the exchange game, but pay more attention to the value of the service or product. If it seems worth it, buy it!
You will be able to watch your dollars if you understand what each US bill converts to and use that as a measuring guide.
For example:
In most countries you can exchange your US dollars right in the airport. Keep in mind that those same exchange centers will buy that extra currency back when you are departing or arriving into an international airport. The exchange center will NOT take coins, so try to spend all of your coins before you get to the airport.
Do your research before you get to that exciting foreign country and gain a comfort level in advance. You may not need to exchange your US dollars in some countries but understanding the exchange rate is still important because you will most likely receive your change in their currency. Check out a foreign-exchange rate converter to get a handle on your money and the currency of a country that you are visiting.
I use Exchange-Rate it is easy to understand and you can plug in different amounts of US dollars and several different foreign countries.
So get educated, learn about your money and enjoy your trip to a foreign place, the only thing left is book a trip!.
We all have been on a road trip with friends and family members. On some trips we are in control and we make the rules but on other trips it is a joint effort. On these highway journeys there could be some problems!
If you are going on an excursion with people who you have never taken a road trip with then you need to establish some ground rules…in advance. But even with advance planning there could still can be some issues.
When you are on the road there are pilots and co pilots, of course the person sitting in the drivers seat is the pilot, they have total control over the vehicle. This means music selections and temperature in the car. You really want the pilot to be as comfortable as possible. Just think about it…they do have your life in their hands.
The co-pilot is there to make confront charges, like keeping the temperature right and playing the DJ and both of them are to suit the driver.
If the pilot is warm, the co-pilot must cool it off. Now the co-pilot may be cold, tough luck, put on a sweat or wrap up in a blanket. As far as directions go the co-pilot must be able to read the map and operate GPS system to keep the pilot on the correct course. The co-pilot cannot be a “passenger seat driver”, the pilot has the helm and that means the pilot steers the vehicle where their want too.
An issue that should be resolved long before the excursion begins is, how the driving time will be divided up. In my car, all valid license holders must put equal time behind the wheel. There is no speed limit requirement, you can go as slow as wish or try to get a speeding ticket if that is what you want to do. I don’t suggest throwing away money like that but that is on you! Of course if you are the only person in the car with license, then you are “A number one” in the car, your rules are supreme.
People fall asleep leaving the pilot solo and that can be a problem, the pilot may want to sleep as well. When I am the co-pilot I stay awake to keep an eye on the pilot. I’m not saying I don’t trust the pilot but “I don’t trust the pilot”!
Restroom breaks are another situation will also become a little tricky. I know you can’t control another person’s bladder, but sometimes you wish you could. That one person that does not have to go when you stop, but 10 miles down the road they have to go! And now it is an emergency! They read every sign that may have a restroom. Every gas station and every restaurant! You just want to squeeze the piss right out of them!
Depending on the length of the trip, snacks and food stops are going to be needed. Let me say group snack don’t work! Believe me, don’t try it, get individual snacks. Sometimes that bag of Cheetos never makes it back around to you, so don’t play…personal snacks. Now if you have to stop to buy more snacks and you just want to pay for your food only …I suggest you be last in line. Yep, wait your crew out. The Cheetos hoarded is hanging around to get some of your food or get you to pay for some of theirs. In other words beware of the moocher.
If this is a joint trip, split up the gas cost in advance. The best way is to split each gas stop up among the persons paying. If there are 2, 3 or 4, split the cost at the cashier. The whole “I’ll pay for this one and you get the next one”… sometimes someone gets the short end of the stick and that could be you. This happens because every tank will not cost the same due to how many gallons you purchase and the cost of a gallon of gas at that station. Do the math and split each tank, it is tedious but fair.
I’m just saying, set the rules at the very beginning and make those rules crystal clear before the engine is started. You may lose a riding partner or put that free loader in check, either way you may be better off!
November 19, 2015/Norman L. Payne/Up up up and Away!
Getting thru an airport with ease
The last thing anyone would want is more stress while traveling. If you live in a major city dealing with traffic, parking and ticket agents is enough. Most people have a pre-existing negative thought about dealing with the TSA in our airports. But it really does not have to be that way if you plan your transition thru the airport. Extra time and a positive mindset and you should be just fine.
One simple rule to go by when preparing to pass thru a security checkpoint is, “if you can do without it in the air, then do not try to get through security with it”.
This is what you may encounter going thru security at every airport:
Allow at least 45 minutes to clear security, this does not always take that long but to keep the stress factor down just arrive early. With a little preparation getting thru security will be a breeze.
Norman L Payne/Up up up and Away!/July 16, 2015